
Ziyarat in Makkah and Madinah

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madinah

At Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. We offer a complete Umrah package that includes visits to sacred sites in Makkah and Medina. For those who choose our Mecca-Medina package. these special Ziyarat are part of the journey. we provide detailed information about one of these important sites. Umrah is a beautiful journey that allows Muslims to visit the sacred sites of Makkah and Medina. It is an act of love and a way to cleanse the soul. Umrah can be performed at any time of the year and involves specific rituals including Tawaf and Sa’i

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

Local Ziyarat Places In Makkah

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

1. Jabal Thawr

Jabal Thawr is one of the mountains surrounding the valley where Makkah is located. Within this mountain lies an important cave called Thawr Cave. This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his close companion Abu Bakr (RA) took refuge for three days. hiding from the Quraish tribe. During their stay, Allah provided divine protection by having a spider weave a web at the cave's entrance. making it seem as if no one had entered. This miracle kept their pursuers away and ensured their safety. Mount Thawr is a notable Ziyarat place in Makkah. is situated about 12 kilometers south of the city.making it a key location for those interested in Ziyarat in Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

2. Jabal Al-Nour

Jabal al-Nour also known as the Mountain of Light is an important site in Makkah where the Cave of Hira is found. This sacred cave located at the top of the mountain is 634 meters high. Located just 4 kilometers from the Holy Kaaba. it is one of the most important Ziyarat place in Makkah. The cave is famous because it was here that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revelation of the Holy Quran from Allah (SWT). The Prophet (PBUH) often came to this cave. seeking solitude for deep reflection and prayer. This makes it a key spot for Ziyarat in Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

3. Jabale-Rahmat

A key historic site in Makkah is a small mountain in Arafat. where the Prophet Muhammad prayed and supplicated during his final journey. This location is deeply holy as it is where the Prophet delivered his Farewell Sermon to the Muslims who gathered for Hajj near the end of his life. Visiting this blessed place allows travelers to connect with the rich history of Islam and the Prophet's teachings. For those on a journey of Ziyarat in Makkah. this site is among the most significant Ziyarat place in Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

4. Mina

Mina is a calm valley situated about 6 kilometers east of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah Saudi Arabia. It plays an important role in the Hajj pilgrimage. where pilgrims spend the nights of the 8th 11th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah with some staying on the 13th as well.

Mina is deeply connected to the story of Prophet Ibrahim and the trial he faced when Allah SWT commanded him to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail. However, by Allah's mercy a lamb appeared and was sacrificed instead symbolizing faith and devotion. When visiting the Ziyarat place in Makkah. the story of Mina is a reminder of the deep divine meaning of the journey. This area is an important stop for those on the Ziyarat Makkah reflecting the profound history of faith and agreement.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

5. Arafat

Mount Arafat located around 20 km southeast of Makkah holds great significance in Islam. On the 9th day of Dhul Hajj known as the Day of Arafah Muslim pilgrims gather here for a special prayer. This day marks the moment when travelers leave Mina to come to Mount Arafat. where they stand in prayer and recite the Holy Quran. The mountain is especially important because it is where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave his final sermon to the Muslims who attended him for Hajj. For those seeking Ziyarat in Makkah.visiting Mount Arafat is an essential part of their journey.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

6. Mustafah

One important act of Ziyarat in Makkah is entering the Masjid through the door of Jabraeel. As you enter step in with your right foot first and say Allahu Akbar (meaning Allah is the Greatest) 100 times. Later perform 2 Rak'ats of prayer called Tahiyyah Salaat ul Masjid. which is a prayer to welcome you into the mosque.

Next. visit the Hujrah al Shareef the sacred place where Prophet Muhammad rests. With love and respect, gently kiss the chamber and speak. Peace be upon you O Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you. This is a significant part of Ziyarat Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

7. Jamarat

The Jamarat are three stone walls that travelers throw stones at during Hajj following the tradition of Prophet Ebrahim. These walls were once pillars and mark the places where Ebrahim threw stones at Shaytan (Satan) when he tried to stop him from following Allah’s command to sacrifice his son Ismail. The three walls are called Jamrat-al-Ula. Jamrat-al-Wusta. and Jamrat-al-Qubra. This act is an important part of the journey during the Ziyarat in Makkah. reflecting the deep divine connection in Ziarat Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

8. Maqam e-Ismail

Hijr Ismail also called Al Hateem is a low semi-circular wall near the Kaaba in Makkah. made of white marble. Located on the northwest side of the Kaaba. this wall is 4 feet 4 inches tall. In the past. the area within Hijr Ismail was once part of the Kaaba. Because of this people avoid entering it during Tawaf. which is the act of walking around the Kaaba during Hajj or Umrah. When performing Ziyarat in Makkah. it's important to know the significance of Hijr Ismail and respect its place during your visit.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

9. NahreZubaida

One of the charming places you will explore is the stone channel located at the base of Mount Arafat. These remains are part of what was once known as the Canal of Zubaidah or Nehr Zubaidah. This canal was built in the early 9th century by the Abbasid queen Zubaidah bint Ja’far to provide water for travelers. It was aimportant achievement greatly helping those on their divine journey during Hajj and Umrah. When you take part in the Ziyarat in Makkah. you will witness this historical site.which has supported countless travelers over the centuries.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

10. Masjid Al Namirah

Masjid Nimra is an important mosque situated in Wadi Uranah known for its deep historical importance. It was here that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed before delivering his final address to the Muslim community on the plains of Arafat. Each year during Hajj. on the Day of Arafat. the imam of Masjid Nimra gives a sermon before the combined Dhuhr and Asr prayers. Notably. the front portion of this mosque extends slightly beyond the boundary of Arafat. When visiting Ziyarat in Makkah. Masjid Nimra is one of the essential Ziyarat Places in Makkah to explore.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

11. Mosque of the Jinn

Masjid Al-Jinn near the Jannat al-Mu’alla graveyard in Makkah. Saudi Arabia is one of the city's oldest and most important mosques. It is known as the spot where Jinn unseen beings gathered to hear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recite verses from the Holy Quran. This mosque holds special importance as it is where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA) to stand while he conveyed the Quran to the Jinn by Allah's command. When visiting Ziyarat in Makkah. Masjid Al-Jinn is one of the key Ziyarat Places in Makkah to include in your journey.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

12. Masjid al shajarah

One such site for Ziyarat in Makkah is Masjid Shajarah also known as the Mosque of the Tree. This mosque is located next to the famous Masjid al-Jinn in Makkah and holds a special place in Islamic history. The name Masjid Shajarah comes from a significant event where the Prophet Muhammad performed a notable miracle. After being rejected by the Hajoon tribe. the Prophet called upon a tree as a sign from Allah. To everyone’s amazement. the tree moved towards him, representing the power of faith. It’s worth noting that some people wrongly refer to this mosque as Masjid in DhulHulayfah. Visiting this mosque is among the places for Ziyarat in Makkah for those seeking to connect with Islamic history.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

13. Masjid al Fatah

Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. thoughtfully arranges local Ziyarat for our valued travelers who opt for our Mecca-Medina package. These Ziyarat are included as part of your journey. Let us share the details with you.

Umrah is a holy journey that holds deep meaning for Muslims across the globe. This journey to the holy city of Mecca can be undertaken at any time of the year. The rituals of Umrah are simple yet carry profound meaning helping to purify the soul and draw closer to Allah.

One of the key highlights of your visit will be the Al-Fatah Mosque located at the historic site of the Battle of Ahzab. This modest yet significant mosque is perched on a small hill offering a unique westward view. It is among the most visited mosques in Medina Saudi Arabia and is respected for its association with a pivotal event in Islamic history. The name Al-Fath means victory resonating deeply with those who come to visit.

During your stay. you will also have the opportunity to explore various places for Ziyarat in Makkah adding to the divine richness of your journey. These visits will allow you to connect more deeply with the historical and divine essence of Islam.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

14. Jannat ul Mu'alla

One of the key sites we visit during our Ziyarat in Makkah is Jannat ul-Mualla also known as Al-Hajun. This well-known cemetery is situated in Mecca southeast of the Masjid al-Haram in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Jannat ul-Mualla is deeply significant as it is the final resting place of Prophet Muhammad's wife his grandfather and many of his family members. Located to the north of Masjid al-Haram and near the Mosque of the Jinn, this site is highly revered by visitors. making it one of the most important places for Ziyarat in Makkah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina


Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

1. Masjid e Quba

One of the important Ziyarat places in Madinah is the Quba Mosque. which holds a deep connection with Muslims worldwide. It is honored as the first mosque in Islam. where Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) laid the foundation stone himself. This sacred place was built by the Prophet's followers including the Migrants and the Helpers (Ansar). Visiting the Ziyarat places in Madinah like the Quba Mosque is a cherished experience for every Muslim.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

2. Sabamasajid (Seven Mosques)

The Seven Mosques also known as Saba Masjid are a collection of small historic mosques located on the western side of Sala Mountain in the Blessed City of Medina. The term Saba translates to seven. referring to the original number of mosques in the group. Currently, six mosques remain in this historic complex. These mosques are located near the trench that was dug by Muslims during the Battle of the Trench in the time of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) to defend Medina from the Quraysh. Because of their connection to this important event. these mosques are among the most important Ziyarat places in Madinah. Visitors often include them in their Ziyarat places in Madinah due to their deep historical significance in Islam.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

3. Qiblatain Mosque.

One of the key historical mosques in Madinah is where Allah decided the Prophet Muhammad's wish to change the qiblah direction from Jerusalem to the Kaaba. This important event is mentioned in the verse. We will surely turn you toward a qiblah with which you will be pleased. Located northwest of Madinah. near the Al-Aqiq Valley. this mosque was originally known as the Bani Salima Mosque because it was within the Bani Salima tribe's area. It's one of the notable Ziyarat places in Madinah. offering visitors a chance to connect with the rich history of Ziyarat places in Madinah.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

4. Ghazwa Uhud

The Battle of Uhud stands as a key event in the early days of Islam. It took place on the 3rd of Shawwal in the 3rd year of the Islamic calendar near Mount Uhud close to Madinah. Led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the Muslims faced the Quraish army. Initially. the Muslims were winning. but the tide turned when some left their positions too soon believing victory was already secured. Today the site of the Battle of Uhud is one of the Ziyarat places in Madinah. where visitors come to reflect on this important moment in history.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

5. Salman Parsi Garden

Salman Al Farsi also known as Salman the Persian holds a unique place in Islamic history. He was a beloved companion of Prophet Muhammad and embraced Islam after the Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah. One of the important Ziyarat places in Madinah is the Garden of Salman Al Farsi. This garden is not just a historical site but also carries deep divine meaning. The Holy Prophet along with his companions planted it to help free Salman Al Farsi from captivity. This act reflects the unity and care within the early Muslim community.

Ziyarat in Makkah and Madina

6. Masjid Bilal

This mosque carries huge historical and religious importance for Muslims. It is named after Hazrat Bilal the first Muazzin in Islam. who was responsible for calling others to daily prayers. Known for his tuneful voice that echoed across the land Hazrat Bilal's call to prayer was a beacon for the faithful. Originally a slave. he became a close companion of Prophet Muhammad and his story represents faith perseverance and equality in Islam.

Talbiya Umrah Pvt. Ltd. organizes local Ziyarat. which is part of the Mecca-Medina package for travelers. We delve deeply into these Ziyarat places in Medina. ensuring a meaningful experience.

Umrah is a sacred journey that Muslims undertake to Mecca reflecting their deep devotion and love for Allah. Umrah can be performed at any time of the year and involves specific rites that purify the soul and offer divine renewal. During this journey. pilgrims also visit important Ziyarat places in Madinah. adding to the divine depth of their experience.

Note: We coordinate local Ziyarat journeys to Mecca and Medina as well as Complete Umrah Packages. A tour guide supervises the trips. They follow the orders of the Saudi Government. Sometimes the Saudis may remove certain Ziyarats from the journey. This results in changes to our plans. Our ability to help with visits to all Ziyarats depends on government regulations. Extended stays at some locations may not be possible. Factors like overcrowding or emergencies mandated by the Saudi government can affect Ziyarats. This can happen during festive seasons like Ramadan or Eid.

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